Cloud Veil
12th Avenue Square Park – Seattle, WA
Commissioned by Seattle Parks and Recreation. Funded by the Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Opportunity Funds and supported in part by the Seattle Parks Foundation Bullitt Fund. Design team collaboration between Ellen Sollod and Hewitt Architects.
A park with a mirrored catenary sculpture and custom seating and an adjacent woonerf with rain gardens. Stainless steel, stainless steel mesh, theatrical LED lighting, concrete, Tnemic, playground surface. 2016.
Ellen joined the Hewitt design team at the beginning of conceptual design. As a member of the park’s community, she played an important role in involving the neighborhood in articulating the goals for the park’s design. The community wanted a welcoming gathering place for formal community events and daily activities.
Ellen collaborated with the landscape architects on the park design and developed the design for the central art feature. It includes 9 convex mirrors that gather and reflect activity in the park. Complemented by theatrical lighting and a blue “stage”, the artwork invites people (especially kids) to bounce on it and perform informally. Ellen also conceived of the paving pattern that draws inspiration from the stainless steel mesh in the sculpture above. The park includes rain gardens, specialty seating and an oversize community table.